Marco Canapicchi
Admitted to the Italian Bar since 2005 (Court of Pisa), head of the Criminal Law and MO 231 Department. Mr. Canapicchi is an expert in corporate crimes, with particular reference to sanctions under the Environmental Law and the legislation on the prevention of accidents at work. Some of his notable positions include: corporate legal counsel in the matters of administrative responsibility (Italian Decree No. 231/2001); member of a supervisory body in a leading company in the explosives manufacturing sector; trustee of a large trade union organisation for the province, where Mr. Canapicchi addresses the matters of social security and labour relations.
phone number: +39 050 23 224 (sede di Pisa)
other lawyers and consultants
Daniele Pisanello
Founding partner
Luca Canapicchi
Ida Di Crosta
Anna Ricceri
Of counsel
Francesco Montanari
Of counsel